Posted on 4/27/2022

Your spark plugs are what help keep your vehicle's motions in check. Spark plugs have a main function, and that is to keep your engine running smoothly and efficiently. Spark plugs are made to ignite the air and to blend the fuel within your combustion chamber. They do this in order to take the burden off of the engine so that it can do the simple task of starting up and running your car. Plus, a good set of spark plugs should be able to protect your combustion chamber from harm by directing heat away from it by bringing it into a water cylinder for cooling. In short, spark plugs may be small but their mission is big. But like any other car parts, these tough little guys can wear out over time. Corrosion, wear and tear impact even the best set of spark plugs and can cause major issues for your car down the road. So what are the signs of spark plug failure? The first one is when you start to notice a rattling sensation during idling. Your car starts to vibrate and shake when you ... read more