Cars are obviously noisy because they're these big metal machines, but not all of the noises you hear are signs that your vehicle is running in smooth condition. Here are some of the sounds you should be listening for in case something is wrong with your car.
Emergent Noises
Not every sound your car makes is an emergency, but you should still pay attention because some things do need to be looked at immediately. If you hear hissing under the hood, it may mean that something is leaking. Also, if you hear a humming or a whining noise, it could be an issue with your transmission and you may want to get a professional opinion relatively quickly.
Non-Emergent Noises
You may not need your car looked at right away every time, but it's still a good idea to be familiar with the sounds your car can make. Squealing when you brake is a pretty common one that may mean your brake pads need to be replaced soon. As long as you don't hear a grinding noise, though, it's not an emergency.
Big metal clunkers mean lots of gears, metal, and rattling. Rattling typically comes from something that's loose inside of the car, but if you are unable to find the actual cause, you may want to reach out to your mechanic to have them make sure nothing's loose underneath the car.
Other Noises
As we can see, cars can make plenty of other noises outside of their everyday sounds of use, and there are some sounds that can indicate a possible emergency, but may not necessarily need a repair right away. You may want to keep an ear out for squealing under the hood, a whirring sound when you start your car, or the sound of your engine knocking. These are things that you should normally have checked out as soon as possible because they have the potential to very quickly turn into an emergency if you aren't paying attention.
If you need a vehicle inspection, we invite you to bring your vehicle into our auto repair shop today!